
Don't agonize alone! Make and maintain connections to other writers

I’ll do another post or several on research, which is one of my favorite things but also an absolute time suck if you let it become such. I am blessed/cursed with needing to know certain things in order to be able to write forward—in this case, how my MC would have felt getting into and then traveling in this car on her way to meet her soon-to-be fiance’s family for the first time. Sometimes I can throw a TK in and keep going; other times not so much.

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Yarrr, Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! 🏴‍☠️

One of the things that plagues most of us at some time or another is that we’re afraid we’re not sticking to the plan or meeting expectations. Every one of my clients has at some point apologized to me for not getting ‘enough’ done, not meeting a deadline, or for taking a break when they need it.

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Reading and Writing and Resources...oh my! 😄

I know I’m the one who is supposed to dispense advice around here, but I’d love to hear how you balance your writing time with all the other demands of life. Some weeks, despite my best planning and intentions, it just doesn’t come together.

As my friend and fellow book coach Terri Thayer has said to me, we do this by choice. We all sit down to write knowing that at times we’re torturing ourselves. I remind myself that I could be doing other things. And sometimes I choose to do those other things, and that is okay.

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