Book Coaching Services

Do These Sound Familiar?

  • You’ve been plowing through on your own but you’ve hit a wall and you don’t know where to go next.

  • You wish you had someone who will give you accountability and support when you need it most.

  • Your experience with a workshop or writing group has left you wary of sharing your work with others.

  • You’ve found some workshopping classes or a writing group that you like but you’re doing plenty of writing that isn’t getting the kind of empathetic yet critical feedback you crave.

  • You’re having a tough time pushing across the finish line.

If any (or all) of these ring true, I can help you!


Plan It.

I can help you figure out who your ideal reader is and why it is so important to know why you are writing this book.


Build It.

I can guide you to figure out whose voice gets top billing, get that tough scene nailed down, and sort through a troublesome timeline.


Craft It.

I will give you honest but empathetic feedback and encouragement to help you write your best book.


Finish It!

Last but not at all least--I can help you across the finish line with confidence and together we can toast your accomplishment with a little something bubbly!

Thank you, Kerry, for the time and attention you gave to both me and my manuscript. To see my work through your eyes was a pivotal experience. You clearly "got" my characters, and the story I wanted to tell. What a huge affirmation that was! As a writer who struggles with almost crippling imposter syndrome, reading your comments about everything that was working and beautiful in the book brought literal tears of gratitude to my eyes. The insight and feedback you gave around areas that needed additional work was kind, supportive, and specific. You left me with clear, actionable next steps for revision. I don't feel lost or confused, which is so often the case with feedback. On the contrary! You've walked me through exactly what I need to do next. I feel so excited to pull this manuscript out of the drawer and make it shine the way you've convinced me it can.

—Nita Collins


Why should I hire a book coach?

Writing is essentially a solitary experience and even if you have the most supportive family and friends you could want, it’s likely that they don’t fully understand the process of writing and preparing a manuscript for submission. Workshops, writing groups, and other community support can be invaluable—but it can also be a place where unhelpful or even damaging feedback can be conveyed.

A book coach is focused specifically on you and your work. I take the time to get to know you, your writing, and your goals for it. I’m here to push you to take your writing to the next level, but also to remind you that you can do this.

Can you guarantee me an agent/publication?

No, I can’t—and a book coach who tells you that they can is not someone you want to work with. Book coaches are here to help you write your best book, with accountability and support. No one can guarantee you a particular outcome, but I will do my best to set you up for success, with a hefty dose of confidence in the quality and preparation of your work.

What is it like to work with you?

I like to think it is fun! My philosophy on feedback is that I should challenge you where appropriate to elevate your work, with a hefty dose of encouragement and empathy. We can learn just as much from what is working as we can from what might not be (yet). I might tell you some things that you don’t want to hear, but I will always give you explanations and encourage us to have open and engaging conversation about my feedback. Ultimately, you are the owner and god of your story.

I also tend to be (maybe inordinately) excited about others’ writing and seeing their work transform as it grows and changes. So expect enthusiasm—a lot of it.

Speaking of ownership, do I need to worry about that?

Absolutely not! Our contract specifies that the work I do for you is as a "‘work-for-hire” and I have no rights or claims to your manuscript. And as a fellow writer, the thought that anyone would steal another’s creative work is infuriating.

Got more questions?

Shoot me an email; I will be happy to answer them!