Build Your Novel

6 or 12 weeks

What It Is

A six-step framework to set you up for drafting success!

  • You’ll draft a novel ‘strategy’ to get crystal clear on what, why, and who you’re writing for, as well as setting a project SMART goal.

  • You’ll dive deep on your main characters, getting to know what motivates them and why.

  • You’ll build a framework for the plot of your story, so you can start to see the trees in the forest.

  • You’ll connect the plot and character work to ensure story logic, character agency, clear stakes, and strong cause-and-effect trajectory from start to finish.

  • Finally, we’ll build a project plan so you can see a realistic finish line!

  • Can be completed in 6 or 12 weeks (weekly or bi-weekly deadlines).

What You Get

  • Detailed Novel Foundations workbook with exercises to walk you through building everything above

  • Editorial review of all of your work, including the workbook and a weekly status report to help identify any ‘sticking points’ or questions

  • 5 30 min. Zoom calls - one for each of the first 5 deadlines - to review notes, brainstorm, and help you stay on track

  • 1 60 min. call for the last deadline to discuss any outstanding issues and define next steps

How This Helps You

  • Solidify your novel’s foundations and build a framework with which to write forward

  • If this is your starting point or for your first draft, you’ll have a roadmap to work from

  • If you are revising, this is a great way to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and identify areas of focus

Cost: $1,499

Interested? Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch with more information!