Story Solution

What It Is

  • An hour of writer therapy! Just kidding…mostly. If you’re stuck on a story question, banging your head against a wall trying to figure out what the problem is, but don’t need or aren’t ready for book coaching, a Story Solution Session might be just the ticket!

What You Get

  • When you sign up, I’ll send you a brief questionnaire to help me learn a little bit about your project and what you’d like to work out during our session.

  • A 60-minute Zoom session that is whatever you need it to be to get you unblocked. No sales pitches, just my brain on your book.

How This Helps You

  • Get unstuck! That’s really what this is all about. I’ve been on both ends of the power of a live coaching session and I know how much transformation can occur in a relatively short period of tiem.

  • Great for someone who wants a taste of my coaching style and what it would be like to work together

Cost: $199