1 on 1

What It Is

  • Write that book! We work together to generate and/or revise your pages.

What You Get

  • Submission of up to 20 pages per deadline

  • Light in-line editing and a 1-2 page editorial letter with 1-2 points of focus and 1-2 action items (next steps) per deadline

  • 45 min. phone/Zoom call per deadline

How This Helps You

  • Build and sustain momentum with a professional, empathetic coach at your side, cheering you on and keeping you on track.

  • You’ll not only make solid progress but you’ll craft cleaner pages with clear direction, making your overall novel-writing journey smoother.

Cost: $300/deadline; 1-2 deadlines per month. 3 month minimum, then month-to-month.