ProWriting Aid Sci-Fi Writers’ Week

All the information that I shared in the workshop AND MORE!

    Special Offer for Sci-Fi Writers

    Want to get a set of expert eyes on your Immersive World-Building Workbook?

    I’m offering a special rate on a workbook review and a 30-min Zoom session to discuss my notes and any questions you have about any aspect of your story!

    Only $199!

      Additional Resources

      Know Your Why Worksheets

      Want to develop a mission statement, something to keep you motivated and clear on your reasons for putting yourself through the roller coaster that is writing a book? Download the Know Your Why worksheets and craft a killer statement to post on sticky notes, frame on your wall, and repeat in your sleep. :)

          Writing Practice Success Strategies Workbook

          One of the ‘easiest’ ways to make sure you’ll get the book done is to find regular time to, you know, WRITE the book. But that’s often easier said than done, right? In this workbook, I give you a bunch of strategies, tips, and tools to get your butt in the chair - and then do it again, and again, and again, until you are done and ready to share your book with the world.

          Project Management for Writers Course

          When you’re ready to set yourself up to cross the finish line of your book project, the Project Management for Writers course gives you all the tools you need and video lessons that walk you through step-by-step.

          Voice, Tone, and Setting Workbook

          Chockfull of exercises to get you thinking about these often abstract and opaque issues of craft! Explore how to develop a unique and memorable character voice, identify and deploy a clear and consistent tone, and craft an immersive setting for your narrative. Whether you’re focusing on a specific project or simply want to do a deep dive on any or all of these aspects of writing, this workbook can help you!

          Interested in coaching?

          My coaching practice focuses on getting novelists across the finish line with a polished, pitch- or publish-ready manuscript. From deep dive novel-planning intensive, to accountability for drafting, to manuscript evaluation and revision coaching, I can help you craft a novel you’ll be psyched to bring to the world.

          To discuss your project and how we might work together, fill out the Contact form to get started. We’ll set up a no-obligation, free 25-minute video chat where we’ll get to know each other, you can learn how I work, and get all your questions answered, and I can get to know your project and your goals.