What I’m Reading

The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels

by Janice Hallett

What I’m Loving

  • The opening draws the reader in right away by posing a choice: read the contents and either keep the secret of what’s inside forever or go to the police.

  • I love an epistolary novel! This book uses WhatsApp messages, emails, texts, tweets, and more. So fun.

  • Behind-the-scenes vibe of the creation of a true crime novel and the questionable tactics that sometimes go into it. Is our protagonist really a villain?

More details

  • Hard to pin down the point of view (POV) at the moment. We have a clear protagonist - it’s definitely Amanda’s story - but I can’t say whether I think it’s first person, third person close, or third omniscient. We’ll see if I have a definitive answer by the time I finish.

  • There are chapters but I’m not sure I fully understand the organizational structure beyond it is moving chronologically (at least, we’re getting the emails, transcriptions, and texts more or less in real time - there’s also material like manuscript pages from other works and snippets from a screenplay - that we know were written before Amanda started). I know there is a method to the madness; I just haven’t fully deciphered it yet.


Writing Prompt of the Week